We work to ensure your business alarm systems meet all fire safety codes while maintaining that these systems remain in compliance with local, state, and national fire safety regulations.
According to FEMA, overall trends for nonresidential building fires and losses from 2009 to 2018 include a 26% increase in fires and a 30% increase in deaths.
Our team of certified experts will perform a comprehensive audit of your facility and your current commercial fire and life safety monitoring systems. We will make recommendations that will optimize your current system or direct you to those solutions that will work best in your facility.
Our Commercial Fire Alarm & Life Safety Services include the following:
Tasco Security will connect your system to our certified, professionally staffed UL Listed dispatch center.
We can optimize your current system to bring it up to the specifications required. We can also switch your current system over to a Tasco Security commercial fire and life safety solution efficiently and easily.
Legacy Systems
Tasco Security can test and inspect any legacy systems.
Replacement of your current fire alarm system equipment (in accordance with NFPA 72 standards).
Trained Professional Installation and Inspection
Tasco Security certified and trained staff of technicians will perform testing, produce inspections reports and provide documentation to all relevant parties. All Tasco Security technicians have commercial fire licenses.
Over 50 Years of Experience
Tasco Security certified and trained staff of technicians will perform testing, produce inspections reports and provide documentation to all relevant parties. All Tasco Security technicians have commercial fire licenses.
Tasco Security Environmental & Life Safety solutions provide testing, inspection, monitoring and maintenance services from our professionally trained and certified technicians.
Your fire alarm system can be set up to provide notification to both local and 3rd party partners. A well thought out and effective communication plan for your system is paramount for success in times of an emergency. At Tasco Security, we will make sure your environmental and commercial fire alarms are optimized to communicate quickly and effectively with both internal (i.e. employees) and external partners (i.e. property managers) to alert all parties in times of an emergency.
Insurance Savings
Reduce business insurance costs and mitigate your liability by providing documentation of a professionally installed fire alarm.