
The Rise of Security Cameras in Schools

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security-cameras-in-school-blogThe increased awareness around school crimes, including bullying, theft, and shootings, have prompted a significant boost in high-tech security cameras on campuses all across the country. As it appears as though school-related issues happen every other day, many schools are attempting to crack down on deterring violence by implementing camera systems in classrooms, hallways, offices, and athletic fields.

Using cameras in schools not only supplies simple video monitoring. As a matter of fact, this technology is often complemented by other technology, including alarms and electronic security control. Here are some of the technology benefits of school cameras that are slowly being experienced by many public and private school institutions:

Camera Systems. Cameras have improved over the years, offering high-definition quality that can aid in clearer identification. Video can now be streamed on most computers, tablets, and even mobile phones, providing a speedier response in case of alarm.

Immediate Alarms and Control. Alarms can now be initiated immediately in case of emergency, helping to provide swift action among employees and law enforcement. These alarms can also initiate a number of controls, ranging from locking doors electronically to prompting security calls to local police.

Provides Peace of Mind. While camera systems aren't the absolute answer to maintaining security, parents can have a slight peace of mind sending their children to schools that maintain a high level of security awareness. Knowing that a school is implementing cameras, alarms, and other security measures can definitely be helpful for easing worried parents' minds.

Open campuses have been the norm for years; however, the undeniable fear that pervades some parents' minds and hearts are catapulting an initiation for change. Closing campuses may be safer, and the knowledge of camera systems as well as other security systems may be helpful in protecting children, teachers, and other school staff.

What are your thoughts on incorporating security cameras and other high-tech systems in schools? Share with us your thoughts on our Facebook page as well as in the comments!


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